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Essentials of Task Delegation in Project Management 

In the world of business, time is money, meaning the more efficiently a project manager delegates tasks, the more the organization will prosper.    

Conquering the market and ruling the industry is not a one man job. It takes a whole company to pursue the common goal of getting ahead of the competition. However, to accomplish such success, the corporation has to use the available digital solutions and incorporate them into a developed strategy. And a well-developed plan always includes a proper delegation of tasks and the best project management software.

Importance of Task Delegation

In the past couple of years, companies were trying hard to improve their corporate culture. The main reason is that a happy worker is a highly productive one. Actually, according to a recently conducted study, job satisfaction is the key to greater productivity in an economy, since happiness leads to a 12% spike in efficiency.

Furthermore, those numbers are directly related to task delegation skills. Given that proper employee motivation comes from well-conducted task management, the “minimal degree” and “maximal degree” of task delegation is associated with employees feeling variations in tasks, which impacts their confidence and overall performance at work.  

These results put the business at risk of failure, as task mismanagement negatively influences the work environment. Workers start to develop mood disorders, health issues and even experience suicidal thoughts.

These are serious problems, so a quality manager has to know in what manner to use delegation to avoid putting the business in danger of being just another low-performance statistic.

Benefits & Connection: Task Management Software and Delegation

If we take a look back and examine the previous study, the logical conclusion is that companies that invest in employee satisfaction generate a happier workforce or have better chances to succeed.

Considering the fact that project management software has become a crucial tool enterprises use to optimize their business operations, the strong connection between delegation, content workers, and a solid management system is quite obvious.

No current option on the market can replace a quality task management software & tool and its ability to improve a company’s working processes. In fact, 97% of organizations find this software to be a critical part of their organization and performance success, while 77% of companies already use this valuable asset.  

The benefits that businesses can reap with a good project management system in place include:

  • Lower project costs
  • Improved collaboration
  • Better risk management
  • Quicker access to essential data
  • Efficient document sharing abilities
  • Easy-to-use tools and dashboard

Nonetheless, all of this is largely influenced by the efficient task delegation skills of a proficient manager. Thus, with proper delegation, the advantages only multiply to empower organizations by:

  • Saving time – Goals are achieved quicker, leaving plenty of time for you to focus on core activities.
  • Efficiency – The workload is efficiently divided and can be easily transferred from one employee to another, leading to improved productivity.
  • Employee engagement – Due to better-outlined tasks and responsibility sharing, workers are motivated to efficiently perform and work on their skills.
  • Increased value – Through mutual responsibilities, the company’s morale grows, as does the manager’s leadership value.
  • Flexibility – With the overall increased set of skills. organizations gain a flexible workforce.
  • Teamwork – Efficient delegation brings team members closer together and builds stronger connections among other departments.
  • Profitability – Thanks to good task division and improved collaboration, the objectives are met faster, leading to an increase in revenues and more lucrative projects ahead.

How to Efficiently Delegate Tasks

Similarly to creating a business plan, the project manager has to develop a strategy to delegate tasks effectively within the team, with an attitude towards sharing a portion of the responsibility. This mission has to be clearly defined, guided by realistic goals that the working unit can achieve with the amount of time it has available. While following these vital rules, one also needs to be aware of all the details this special duty includes in order to successfully delegate tasks.  

  • Organizing the Schedule

The manager should take a good look at the schedule and make an accurate assessment of the project duration from past experience. From there on, the tasks should be prioritized according to the importance and delegated with a reasonable time for completion.

  • Clearly Defined Tasks

Apart from a rational due date, the task instructions have to be clear and concise. The manager has to give proper notes and outline the project expectations. Only once the employees know what is expected of them, will they be able to better perform well and avoid the risk of stretching the budget limits.

  • Delegation of Tasks According to Skills

After completing these two points on the delegation list, tasks should be matched and appointed according to the employee’s experience and job description. Correct delegation is about giving the appropriate tasks to the right employees, i.e. giving the employee a task which corresponds to their experience and skill level.

  • Give the Employees Freedom       

Employees need to be free to do their work, so micromanagement should be avoided at all cause. When a manager passes on the assignments, it is crucial to let the workers do their job. On the other hand, the project leader needs to be available at all times to hear and implement positive employee suggestions and provide constructive feedback.

  • Regular Evaluations & Monitoring

The tasks workflow must be monitored to establish a sense of control over the project. Every once awhile, a manager should revisit the plans and measure the employee’s performance. A level of accountability falls on each worker, so to make everything run smoothly, consider a manager as a coach who guides, corrects, and navigates the team to victory. Or in this case, to improve the project success rate.

To sum up, task delegation and project management software go together like peas and carrots. This harmonious relationship is, however, only blessed by implementing the key delegation tactics when working on the project. Without them, a project is doomed to fail, but don’t blame the system because it only takes neat managing skills to ensure success.

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About the author

David Miller, an Expert Writer at ProProfs, has over 12 years of experience as a consultant and business strategist. His narratives on project management, leadership, and personal development are featured on platforms like Jeff Bullas, HR.com, and eLearningIndustry. David mentors & contributes innovative insights to ProProfs’ blogs. Connect with him on LinkedIn.