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4 Easy Ways to Build a Collaborative Environment at Your Workplace

4 Easy Ways to Build a Collaborative Environment at Your Workplace

Healthy collaboration is one of the pillars of every successful workplace, and in order to achieve optimal efficiency, you will need to insist on collaboration. However, it is important to state that, just because everyone does their job and gets along with co-workers does not imply a high level of collaboration. Your goal should be...
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Do You Need Thought Leadership in Project Management?

Do You Need Thought Leadership in Project Management?

Although thought leadership is one of the most commonly mentioned buzzwords in the corporate world, many people don’t quite understand what it actually is. They know that thought leaders are some kind of influencers who know exactly how to compel their audience to fall in love with their brands, how to cut through all the...
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Three Keys To Success In Project Management

Three Keys To Success In Project Management

Have you ever wondered why a project fails? Most of us look up to successful project managers and their ideas to improve on our projects, but does it really help? I am not saying that it doesn’t, but there are many other resources to learn how to excel in the project management field which are...
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Is Social Media Productive or Destructive?

Is Social Media Productive or Destructive?

Last week, Susan had a terrifying experience. She was sitting at her desk among the confines of her tiny cubicle posting the latest eCard. She smiled in gleeful anticipation of the avalanche of likes and comments she knew were soon to come. As she concluded her post, the eerie feeling crept over her – she...
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Introducing the Project Calendar

Introducing the Project Calendar

We are very excited to announce the launch of the new ProProfs Project Calendar. Get an overview of all your due projects, tasks, events and drag and drop them to re-plan. We often get emails asking us if we’re going to introduce a calendar system to ProProfs Project. Many of you found that you needed...
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Use the Law of Attraction to Boost Your Productivity

Use the Law of Attraction to Boost Your Productivity

A spoonful of sugar spurred Jane and Michael Banks into spectacular productivity with the help of the Law of Attraction and the arrival of efficiency-expert Nanny, Mary Poppins. The most priceless gifts everyone has aren’t how much we can receive, or how many things we have, but what we do with them. As unique each...
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Tips & Tricks: Keep Your Client Updated

Our tips & tricks series shows you how to get the most out of ProProfs Project. We update the series often with tips such as how to share a project with your client, and how to create an invoice for your project in just a few seconds. How to Keep Your Client Happy It is...
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How to Manage Underperforming Employees

How to Manage Underperforming Employees

Have you ever found yourself questioning how to manage underperforming employees at work? As a project manager, there may be times when you are required to deal with staff who just aren’t performing when compared with their peers. Either they are delivering work below the established standard or are missing task deadlines frequently, or doing...
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How People Interact – Collaboration Made Easy

How People Interact – Collaboration Made Easy

The three primary ways in which humans interact are conversations, transactions and collaborations. This post explains each one of these and shows how each are important at times during our working life. Conversational Interaction This is where two or more people participate in an exchange of information primarily for relationship building or discovery. There are...
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How to Avoid Project Delays: The Primary Causes, 6 Working Tips & More

How to Avoid Project Delays: The Primary Causes, 6 Working Tips & More

A survey by FMI found that around 89% of respondents faced owner-led project initiation delays in 2022. In fact, the situation is even worse in some niche industries, like the construction sector. For example, a 2022 survey done by Cornerstone Projects Ltd. found that – 28% of respondents estimated that more than 50% of construction...
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