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SWOT Analysis | A Way to Boost Project Success Rate

SWOT Analysis | A Way to Boost Project Success Rate

‘Did you know only 2.5% of companies manage to complete 100 percent of their projects?’ Yes, for business owners, it’s a bitter pill to swallow. The reason behind such a poor project success rate could be anything like a lack of resources, unidentified risks, tight budget, unrealistic delivery dates, and so on.  To avoid the...
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9 Task Management Tips to Conquer Deadlines Like a Pro

9 Task Management Tips to Conquer Deadlines Like a Pro

When its come to Task Management Tips, Tasks are the fundamental blocks of a project, and I guess we all are aware of that. But, what most of you might be struggling with is not being able to manage tasks and deliver within the deadlines. And chances are you don’t want that last-minute rush –...
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Excel in Project Execution With These 5 Surefire Tips

Excel in Project Execution With These 5 Surefire Tips

Do you know most of the organizations have a 70% project failure rate?  Usually, it is considered that a low budget is a prime reason why maximum projects fail, but that’s not true every time. According to a report from Gartner, projects funded over 1 million dollars have a 50% higher failure rate than ones...
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Take Project Work Performance to the Next Level With These 10 Tips

Take Project Work Performance to the Next Level With These 10 Tips

Employees have always been the most crucial asset of any organization because they help to improve business growth by combining their skills and experience.  In every department, you have some employees who often leave you impressed, while others give a satisfactory performance to justify their place.  But, is that enough?       Nope! You have to bring...
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Top 11 Challenges of Remote Working You Can Possibly Encounter

Top 11 Challenges of Remote Working You Can Possibly Encounter

Remote work has always been a hot topic in corporate because as much employees are willing to enjoy that extra cushion of freedom, the employers are a bit reluctant to give the same. Sadly, the horrors of the COVID-19 outbreak put an end to this everlasting debate.     Now, remote work has become new normal,...
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20 Best Software for Remote Team Collaboration

20 Best Software for Remote Team Collaboration

Imagine this: You’re working with a remote team on multiple projects. You’ve set team tasks and given them deadlines. You’ve also created a few subtasks and set goals for them. After a couple of weeks, you see that most tasks are accomplished. However, since you hadn’t adopted remote work tools, issues soon started surfacing. Here’s...
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Why Is It Important to Have a Project Management Communication Plan in Place?

Why Is It Important to Have a Project Management Communication Plan in Place?

Project management will unarguably be an impossible task if you don’t have a dexterous project manager, an adequate number of executives, the right tools, etc. at your disposal. This could be the case with start-ups, considering their budget-related problems. But the question that comes to mind is: ‘Why do business projects of global organizations struggle,...
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How to Become a Project Manager and Succeed in the Business World

How to Become a Project Manager and Succeed in the Business World

A skilled and diligent project manager is the crucial component to making business projects successful. It could be the primary reason why businesses take the hiring process so seriously and set a high salary bar for job candidates coming for the role of a project manager.    As per the industry reports, companies have to fill...
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Project Management Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

Project Management Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

Risks and change requests are two factors that can jeopardize the project management triangle. But there is a third hidden factor that takes you closer to project failure: ‘Silly mistakes.’ Success does not consist in never making mistakes but in never making the same one a second time. — George Bernard Shaw You encounter different types...
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What Are the Objectives of Project Management?

What Are the Objectives of Project Management?

Do you know the factor that ensures a smooth transition during the project’s phases, i.e., initiation, planning, execution, and closure?  Can’t think of a couple of words to answer? Well, then, you would undoubtedly struggle during your project management journey. Being vague with regards to project objectives is the primary reason that will lead to...
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