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Artificial Intelligence In Project Management: Pros & Cons

The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) has raised various questions and theories among people. Right from “whether AI is ethical?” to “how exactly will it change the world?”, there are numerous questions that are yet to be unanswered. But, what about the questions we can answer? AI has already begun revolutionizing various aspects of our...
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What are Common Project Management Software Features?

There are numerous issues you can face as a project manager, such as: Inefficient team collaboration Chaotic workflow Time-consuming report generation Improper project planning …and so on. So, you decided to search for a project management software for your business. But, with so many choices in the market, you take a step back and wonder...
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How Internet of Things (IoT) Is Affecting Project Management?

Project management is constantly evolving and finding new ways to improve organizational efficiency. It’s a critical process because keeping teams under control – larger ones in particular – requires a substantial amount of time and often results in underperformance. For instance, a Wellingtone APM report shows that only 37% of professional teams in the UK complete...
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Achieving 3 C’s of Healthcare With Effective Project Management

Healthcare is one industry that always has high expectations. According to the 2018 Global Medical Trends Survey Report, the rise in patient count increased from 6.8% in 2017 to 7.2% in 2018. Over the past few years, there has been a massive increase in demand for medical staff, skilled expertise, and efficient healthcare project management....
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How BlockChain Technology can Revolutionize Project Management?

The blockchain technology is experiencing exponential growth and its market will be worth $2.3 billion by 2021. Until now, blockchain’s use was confined to cryptocurrency trading. That’s because it ensures a decentralized, secure, transparent, and cost-effective environment for the hassle-free exchange of cryptocurrencies. This is the reason for its acceptability across the world. And now...
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How to Utilize Operational Excellence Tools to Improve Project Management Operations

What’s the first thought that strikes you when you think of project management operations? Is it the planning phase, where resource allocation and risk management strategies become a prime concern? Or the execution phase, where a need for integrated performance across risk, revenue, and cost becomes essential for a project’s success? Probably both? So, how...
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5 Project Management Face-Palms You Need to Avoid

Project management is fine art. It requires attention to detail, while at the same time keeping perspective on the bigger picture. It’s no surprise then that many within the industry are floundering. Inefficiency is a constant, and with a number of companies I observe, I think to myself: where’s the larger sense of a project...
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Do You Need Thought Leadership in Project Management?

Although thought leadership is one of the most commonly mentioned buzzwords in the corporate world, many people don’t quite understand what it actually is. They know that thought leaders are some kind of influencers who know exactly how to compel their audience to fall in love with their brands, how to cut through all the...
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Three Keys To Success In Project Management

Have you ever wondered why a project fails? Most of us look up to successful project managers and their ideas to improve on our projects, but does it really help? I am not saying that it doesn’t, but there are many other resources to learn how to excel in the project management field which are...
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18 Of the Best Project Management Blogs You Should Follow

Got some time on a Friday afternoon? Let’s use this time to expand our horizons and find out what’s trending in the world of project management? As a project manager, it’s always valuable to get to know tips, tricks, information, and general articles about project management from a range of different perspectives. It is significant...
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