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Why Is Project Management Important and Its Benefits

Project management doesn’t seem important when you evaluate it on paper, but it directly correlates with business growth.  You enjoy amazing brand equity and economic benefits when you manage in-house or clients’ projects appropriately.  Turns out that Abraham Lincoln was right when he said, “Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I...
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Project Management KPIs to Track in 2024

Every business owner has some desires, and the most common ones are: Improving sales growth exponentially  Staying two steps ahead of competitors  Joining Fortune 500 for global recognition  These desires are mere wishes if you don’t strive to fulfill them, right? So, keep your cards close and track what matters most, to emerge as a...
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Project Management Metrics Every Manager Needs to Track

The life of project managers has always been tough, and it gets irksome when they have a tight time window and budget.  ‘Do clients care about this?’ The answer is ‘Big NO’. Clients just want timely delivery of promised project deliverables, and this puts more pressure on project managers. Now, this fact begs the question:...
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What is Project Management Framework & How to Choose a Framework?

Of late, Project Management has gained increasing traction in the industry, and rightly so. Thanks to the Project Management Framework, Project Managers can plan projects systematically and strategically, meet deadlines, and most importantly, not just meet but exceed client expectations.  In simple words, a Project Management Framework refers to a set of methods, procedures, and...
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Understanding the Monte Carlo Analysis in Project Management

A good plan can help you in risk analysis, but it can not guarantee that your project will run smoothly. If you are associated with any stage of software project development life cycle, you most probably agree with this quote. It is important to have a smartly constructed plan in place to complete a software...
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Buyers Guide: How to Choose the Project Management Software

Imagine this: You take up a new project with a new client. You set up meetings to understand and plan the project execution strategy. You adopt project management software to ensure workflow is streamlined and all project deadlines are met. But, you overlooked a few factors: The software didn’t have a reporting feature, making it...
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What Is Cost Management in Project Management

How often do your projects end up exceeding their budget? Do you feel that planning cost management in project management is a futile exercise as no project ever sticks to its projected costs? Well, if your answer is a yes, we’re not surprised, considering 24% of project professionals believe that unrealistic budgets hamper projects. However,...
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Key Elements & Components Of Project Management

“Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” – Abraham Lincoln. Considering that your project is to ‘chop down a tree,’ this is how your ideal approach should be for Elements of Project Management. It emphasizes how the planning phase of ‘sharpening the axe’...
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What is Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) in Project Management? Type & Guidelines

WBS (work breakdown structure) is a method to make complex projects more manageable. It means breaking down a project into tasks and subtasks so that there is no room for confusion in the future. This is usually practiced by project managers to simplify the process of execution of tasks during the scope of the project. ...
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