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Marketing Workflow Management: A Detailed Guide

Does accomplishing a marketing project without hovering over your team members all day seem a far-fetched dream? Not with a robust marketing workflow in place! We understand that continuously evolving requirements and simultaneously running projects and tasks can have rippling effects on the overall marketing project management execution. Also, shooting at moving project targets can...
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10 Smart Ways to Improve Project Profitability

How do you decide whether an upcoming project will be profitable for the business? How do you determine whether investing resources, time, and effort in the venture will be fruitful? Answering these questions requires you to have a solid understanding of project profitability. This will help you make accurate bids in the future, optimize billable...
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16 Best Productivity Tools to Make the Most of Your Time at Work

In today’s fast-paced work environment, the run is almost always towards enhancing productivity, i.e., achieving more in less time. Some hire the most skilled workforce. Some choose to adopt strategies, trying their best shot at improving productivity. Experienced project managers often rely on the best productivity tools to easily manage multiple projects. But what exactly...
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12 Proven Steps to Organize Projects: A Project Manager’s Guide

If you have just failed to meet a deadline for the first time, you’re probably thinking – nothing more can get any worse. You missed it. It can’t be undone now. Right? But let me tell you… If you have no clue how to organize projects before a surge of incoming projects appears, that is...
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Agile vs Waterfall Methodology: Comparison, Pros & Cons

As a project manager, you make some tough decisions for your projects. How many resources are required to complete the deliverables? What should be the project timeline? Which evaluation criteria should be used to determine a project’s success?  Deciding which project management methodology to follow for your projects is one of them. A methodology forms...
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Project Time Tracking: Hard-to-Miss Benefits & Proven Tips

Do you find yourself constantly switching between team members for real-time task updates? Have you goofed up work hours while reading client emails or creating client invoices? If your answer is yes, we know exactly what you need. You need a comprehensive system for clocking your team’s productive hours without breaking a sweat. This is...
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Top 15 Team Management Tools in 2024 (Features, Pros, & Cons)

Looking to streamline team management but not sure where to start? Well, unsurprisingly, managing multiple teams working across projects can turn out to be a nightmare. You’ve to keep a constant check on what each team and team member is working on and how the projects are progressing. This is where the best team management...
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How to Overcome Risks Using a Comprehensive Risk Management Plan

If you find your projects consistently missing deadlines and exceeding budgets, then you must ask the following questions: Am I over-promising on project outcomes? Do I have sufficient resources to implement the scheduled tasks? Is there mismanagement of resources within the team? Are project workflows strategically aligned with expected results? Do I need to swap...
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15 Best Project Planning Tools and Software List

Looking for the best project planning tools? Guess what? You’ve arrived at the right place! The ‘golden rule’ of project success is preparing a solid ground for efficient project execution. And this is possible only with a well-framed project plan in place. Think about it.  Is your team being bogged down by the tasks at...
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Resource Planning for Multiple Projects: A Guide for 2024

Resource planning for multiple projects is not an easy feat. Forward-thinking project managers embrace effective resource planning that helps deliver projects in sync with required project results. On paper, resource management may seem like a walk in the park. Simply create tasks, allocate resources, and set due dates, right? Not really. Resource planning and management...
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