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How Do You Ensure You Meet Your Project Deadlines

“We’re about to miss the deadline again.” Sounds like the shortest horror story, right? Not delivering projects within the expected timeframe is a nightmare most project managers go through. It leads to successive failures, uncontrolled by multiple factors. And repetitive project failures may break the client’s trust completely, jeopardizing the reputation of the organization. A...
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8 Important Skills Every Elearning Project Manager Should Possess

What’s that one expectation every client has from its project manager? Timely project completion. But, there are two aspects that need to be inline, ensuring project deadlines are met. This includes: Delivery of results on, or before the deadline. Ensuring the quality of deliverable hasn’t been compromised in an attempt to finish the project before...
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How Project Collaboration Software Can Make Your Team More Productive

What causes low productivity at work? Unmotivated or stressed employees? Insufficient skills to get the job done? Inefficient time management? Inadequate team collaboration? Bad work pressure management? Among these reasons, do you know what affects productivity the most? Inadequate team collaboration. Did you know that team productivity improves by 20-25% in an organization if they...
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Top Practices for Prioritizing Project Work for Your Team

As a Marketing Manager, I work with such clients, who do not know how to prioritize projects. Consequently, they encounter poor results in the later stages. Generally, they start their day with a list of things to uplift productivity levels, but they, unfortunately, have to shift their focus to some urgent work later on. This...
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Project Risk Assessment: All You Need to Know About

If I were to give one project risk assessment example that ultimately led to project failure, it would be the launch of Samsung Galaxy Note 7. Do you remember that launch? The Samsung Galaxy Note 7 was launched on Aug. 2, 2016. It was said to be “the best smartphone the world will see” for...
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Effective Time Management Tips for Project Managers

A majority of project managers are looking for ways that help them work through the process of time management and reach the deadlines without compromising on end deliverable’s quality. But besides this, time management for project managers is becoming all the more crucial now that only 37% of projects get delivered on time. To overcome...
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8 Early Warning Signs of Project Failure & How to Avert Them

What establishes the success or failure of a project is how well you, as a project manager, can identify the early warning signs of project failure. Think about it. When the last project you worked on failed, didn’t you go back to its execution phase and realized what was a clear warning sign of impending...
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4 Easy Ways to Build a Collaborative Environment at Your Workplace

Healthy collaboration is one of the pillars of every successful workplace, and in order to achieve optimal efficiency, you will need to insist on collaboration. However, it is important to state that, just because everyone does their job and gets along with co-workers does not imply a high level of collaboration. Your goal should be...
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Is Social Media Productive or Destructive?

Last week, Susan had a terrifying experience. She was sitting at her desk among the confines of her tiny cubicle posting the latest eCard. She smiled in gleeful anticipation of the avalanche of likes and comments she knew were soon to come. As she concluded her post, the eerie feeling crept over her – she...
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